Children’s Foot Professionals!

 For a limited time we are offering a GAP FREE Kids Assessment.

PHONE (07) 4646 2016 to book or

Book Online Now

Here’s What You’ll Get! 

  1. A comprehensive examination to assess the causes of any current injury or to measure your “injury risk factor” based on detailed orthopaedic tests, and if needed a personalised written plan (value $120.00)


  1. A complete Biomechanical Assessment including; a Video Gait Analysis of your walking pattern or a Gait scan using Parotech technology that measures 300/images per second. (value $79.00)


  1. A 3D foot scan to determine whether your posture is prone to injury and what do about it. (value $80.00)


You get this with no out of pocket expenses if you have private health insurance!


If you don’t have or you have run out of Private Health insurance you can have all this for $120.00! (Value $279.00)

All you have to do to claim this offer is mention the “Kids feet special” when making your appointment

PHONE (07) 4646 2016 to book or


Or fill out the form below and one of our staff will be in touch with you soon.

    Special Terms and Conditions

    1.This offer is only available to new clients to Podiatry Point or clients who have not had an appointment with us since 1st January 2017.

    2. Bookings must be made by the using the code words “kids Feet Special”

    3. Offer not valid with any other offer.

    Privacy Policy: We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe.

    If you are not ready to commit check out our links below to get some tips on how you can start managing your child’s pain today!!!