Maria Morcom Photo

Maria Morcom

Practice Manager
Podiatry Nurse

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Hi, my name is Maria and I am the Practice Manager and Podiatry Nurse at Podiatry Point.

I have been married to my husband since 2001 and we are the proud parents of 6 beautiful children. Our life is one crazy, fun ride but we love it.

I started with the Podiatry Point in June 2018, in my time here I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the patients. The team at Podiatry Point have been fun to work with and I am grateful to be apart of such an awesome team of health professionals. I also work as an enrolled Nurse and am passionate about the health and well being of all patients.

In my spare time I enjoy camping and spending time with my family. Baking is also one of my passions.

I look forward to providing you with the high standard of care with which the Podiatry Point is well known for.

Robyn Olive Photo

Robyn Olive


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Hi! My name is Robyn and I am a mother to two adult children. After relocating to Toowoomba, I commenced working with Podiatry Point at the beginning of 2018 as a receptionist. I have previously worked as a school officer and before that I worked in the banking industry.

I enjoy catching up with my family and friends for a coffee, researching family history and have recently taken up sketching.

Although I have only been here for a short period of time, I am really enjoying working with the Podiatry Point team, and the amazing staff and clients have made me feel very welcome.

Charlotte Morcom

Allied Health Assistant

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Injil Mwibusa

School Based Trainee

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Lyn Wilkes Photo

Lyn Wilkes


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Hi! My name is Lyn and I am a receptionist at Podiatry Point Toowoomba.

I am a mother of 5 beautiful children. In my previous working life I was an owner and manager of a 34 unit Motel/ Restaurant and in 1998 I became a Senior Boarding Supervisor until 2008.

I have been with Podiatry Point since 2009 and in that time I have seen the practice grow from one to seven podiatrists and the launch of the Toowoomba practice!

In my spare time I like to spend time with my family and friends, catch up on my reading, go to the movies and take part in my local choir.

I love working with the team at Podiatry Point and being part of their journey to better health.