Author Archives: Lisa Wilkes

To ice or not to ice- That’s the question?

October 18, 2018

Do you ever wonder if you should be applying ice or heat to your injury? It is a common question most patients have and we have come up with an easy way to cool this heated debate. When making this decision it is important to understand the implications of getting it wrong. The major consequence […]

Now you can assess your child too!

July 31, 2018

So, you have brought your child to the shops, and he starts dragging his feet because he is tired.  He wants to be carried and starts throwing a tantrum. Another child is always falling and bruising herself. Which child should you worry about? When it comes to children and development, knowing when to seek professional […]

I woke up with pain in my heel! 

May 9, 2018

I woke up with pain in my heel!  Do I have a heel spur? Have you recently woken up with heel pain and wondered where it came from? Here is the secret to figuring out your heel pain! Heel pain is a common occurrence that affects 1 in 10 people at some point of time […]

The three biggest mistakes when buying football boots!

April 6, 2018

Lisa is a podiatrist of 20 years and previous Queensland Soccer Player. She is the director of Podiatry Point and brings her wealth of knowledge and experience to a subject that is close to her heart!   Here are the Three Biggest Mistakes made when buying new football boots that I want you to […]

Sick of heel pain..…will cortisone injections cure your foot woes?

March 1, 2018

Do you have heel pain or foot pain caused by plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendonitis?  Have you found out the root cause of your pain? “10% of all people will experience heel pain at some stage. Cortisone injections will only mask the symptoms they will not cure the condition.  Often times when cortisone does help […]

Pain in the ball of your foot? Morton’s Neuroma

August 18, 2017

Morton’s Neuroma is a trapped nerve that often affects the third and fourth toes and leads to a sharp stabbing pain between the long bones of the front of your foot and numbness around the ball of the foot that can extend into the toes. This condition is common in people who have a lot […]

Treating pesky and painful in-grown toe nails

July 20, 2017

A common condition that people request an appointment at our clinic for is an ingrown toenail. Anybody who has had one of these will tell you that it can be utter agony. Wearing shoes is a nightmare. Walking distances is torture. And if somebody treads on your foot, you should not be held responsible for […]

Want to know how diabetes affects your feet?

June 26, 2017

Want to know how diabetes affects your feet? Diabetes is when the body is unable to convert blood glucose, (blood sugar), allowing blood sugar levels to vary greatly.  This can cause immediate and/or long term damage to the body’s soft tissues and particularly the nerves and blood vessels.  Often people with diabetes are at risk […]

Do you need your kid’s feet and legs checked by a podiatrist?

January 2, 2017

We get our children’s teeth checked at a dentist and eyes checked by an optometrist, but have you ever considered checking their feet with a lower limb specialist? Podiatry is relatively less understood than the above mentioned professions.   It is recommended that all children have their feet checked between 4 and 7 years of […]

How Podiatry can Help a Child with Autism

December 14, 2016

There are several ways in which autism can impact your child’s feet and sometimes a child with autism may need extra care and attention. Children with autism don’t easily integrate all the information needed to learn a new skill such as walking, or may use different pathways in their brain, which are less efficient. Children with […]